We had a great day yesterday at Church. God met with us and I enjoyed it so much. Today is Monday, and we have a whole new week ahead. I'm looking forward to seeing God do something wonderful throughout the week. Here is a thought for today:
THE CALL OF FAITH- Romans 4:17 reads in part: "...even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were." God calls those things that be not as though they were! This is the call of faith. This is also the faith that God wants us to possess. By faith, we pray for things and trust God for things we cannot see. We do not see the end of a matter, but by faith.... we trust Him for the end of the matter to come out well! By faith, we speak it as coming out well. I tell my people all of the time.... don't worry, it is going to work out fine in the end. Now I cannot see that by sight, but by faith I announce that to them. By faith, I know God will take care of us! By faith, I know that God will provide for our Church! By faith, I know the end will be marvelous! This is the "CALL OF FAITH".
Hope you have a blessed day! Pastor Mike Mutchler