Monday, January 19, 2009


What a wonderful day we had in the LORD yesterday!  Sunday is such a blessing.  A great crowd for Sunday School and Church and then to have many decisions and two families join our church.  God is blessing!  Hope you have a wonderful Monday as well.  Here are some highlights of II Chronicles.

1) GOLD AND SILVER-  In II Chron. 9:13 it says: "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold;"  (a talent is equal to about 160 pounds!)  666 talents times 160 pounds= 106,560 pounds per year!  At $1,000.00 an ounce that comes to $1,704,960,000.00  per year!!  Now, concerning the silver, verse 20 says:  "none were of silver; it was not any thing accounted of in the days of Solomon."  (Silver was as nothing!)  Now here is the point:  One day, in Heaven, the gold and the silver are as nothing!  The gold is the payment and the silver is not even worth mentioning.  So, don't spend your life trying to acquire Heaven's asphalt! (gold)  Spend your life on things that are eternal.  Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven!

2) ESTABLISHED AND PROSPERING- In II Chron. 20:20, it says: "Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established: believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper."  God wants us to be established and prospering, and it starts with believing in the Lord and His men!  Do you believe?  If proof is not in the telling, but in the establishing and in the prospering.  Are you established, or easily shaken?  Are you being blessed of God, or reaping the results of foolish decisions?  God grants us wisdom to prosper and make wise choices.  The key is our faith in God and trusting His men.  Remember the Bible tells us concerning our pastors, "whose faith follow".  Are you following his faith, or only listening to it? 
Hope you have a blessed day!!  May God bless you!   Pastor Mike Mutchler
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