Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's Sunday!

Yes, it's Sunday and I'm looking forward to a great day!  I just finished writing my blog, and hit one key wrong and everything was erased and now my time is gone.  I hope your Sunday is starting out better, but I'm not going to let that keep me from having a great day!  May God richly bless!   Pastor Mike Mutchler


Today is Sunday!  What a day.... Sunday!!  I love it.  I am going to be in church in less than an hour with God's people and looking forward to it.  Today, I've read in Matthew.  I am always looking forward to getting into the New Testament, and I love it all.  Here are a few thoughts:
1) It is Written- This phrase is found all throughout Matthew, and especially in the first few chapters dealing with the birth of Christ, and also throughout the teachings of our Savior.  Phrases like:  "it is written"; "It was spoken" are mentioned many times.  Also, the Bible makes it plain that this came from God, not just the man who was a prophet.  Notice Matt. 2:15 says:  "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the LORD by the prophet, saying..."  It is clear that Inspiration is that which comes from God through man, to us!!  God spoke it and had a man write it down for us.  I'm glad to see it was written!!
2) PRAYER, ALMS, AND FASTING-  All three of these get God's attention, but chapter six of Matthew tell us that if we do these things to be seen of men we have our reward.  But, if we do these things in secret, the "thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."  It is what is done in secret that manifest how God deals with us publicly.  So the good things we do where only God knows about them is what He delights in rewarding us for; and contrary wise, it is the secret sin the God judges us for that no one else knows about.  Let us be just as concerned about what we do in secret than what we do when everyone is watching!!  Just a bit of sound advice for the day!
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