Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today is Saturday and it looks like frost has come all around us.  Tomorrow is Sunday, and what a great day it will be!!  Today, I've been reading in Ezekiel.  I have an early morning Prayer Breakfast teaching time with my men starting this Saturday.  It is called: Men of Destiny.  I'm so looking forward to this morning, but I have to type short today as a results.  Here are a few choice nuggets of truth:
1) ARE WE USING WHAT WE HAVE?  Ezek. 12:2 says of Israel, "which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not."  Do we see and hear the things of God?  I know that God can speak to our spirit each day through His Word, and there are time in my life when I have heard almost out loud God's clear direction for my life.  The song, The Little Drummer Boy has a line which says: Do you see what I see?  and later, Do you hear what I hear?  Do we have the spiritual ear wax out of our ears?  Have we taken our spiritual blinders off?  We truly need to be listening and watching every single day for God to guide us and use us.  Let that be our goal each day, and now you have a purpose of living for every single day!
2) AGAIN!  Simple thought:  Ezek. 21:18 says: "The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying,"  Each time we pick up our Bible's "the word of the LORD is speaking"  Each time we sit in a Church service, "the word of the LORD is speaking".  God speaks to us over and over.  Aren't you glad that He didn't just speak one time?  He is patient with us and speaks over and over through His Word, by His Spirit, through His servants, let us be listening today!
3) PRIDE TAKES A FALL- In Ezek. 27:4, Tyrus, a beautiful city is full of pride.  It says: "Thou hast said, I am of perfect beauty."  Well, God hates pride, so He lowers them down to the dust.  He destroys that great city of commerce.  It seems like America is also being reduced in pride as well.  These are dark days in some ways, but bright days in others!  Let us look to God in faith and He will see us through! 
May God bless you today!!  Have a blessed day in the LORD.  Pastor Mike Mutchler
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