Sunday, January 24, 2010


It is Sunday!  I am so looking forward to the day.  I know that God has a special blessing in store for all of us.  Just His will is all I desire today, but with great anticipation of seeing it unfold before me.  I'm reading in Job and Psalms, and here are a few thoughts:

1) FILTERS- All of us as humans need water and plenty of it.  God has a plan that He designed to filter our water.  First, it begins with the clouds:  Job 36:28 says:  "Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly."  Our fresh supply of water is first rain water.  The clouds take out all of the impurities and allow us to have fresh, clean water to drink.  All around the world, the rain water is caught and put into containers that provide water to survive upon.  The second source is the earth.  The water that passes through the forest in the crystal clear streams have been filtered by the earth before the rain water reaches the little streams.  The clouds are the major distillers of water.... God takes it up, gives the waters a bath, and sends it down fresh to us.  Wow!  What a great God!

2) HAVE YOU LOST YOUR PAW?  Job 39:21 talks about a mighty horse in battle, and it says:  "He paweth in the valley,".  May years ago, I heard Dr. Lester Roloff preach a message called "Pawing in the Valley".  He asked the question:  "Have you lost your paw?".  What he meant by that was have you lost your willingness to fight for right?  Stand up for truth?  Engage the enemies that are in spiritual darkness?  We have pacifist Christianity if we have lost our "paw".  Lord help us to fight the good fight till the end and never to lose our "paw".

3) WANT SOME SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD?  Psalms 4:3 "But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself:  the LORD will hear when I call unto him."   Everyone wants some special relationship with God.  So, they go to special seminars, special conferences, looking for that something special.  God's Word already tells us about something special.  God sets apart him that is godly.  God delights in our desire to live totally for HIm.  The New Testament says:  2 Corinthians 6:17-18  "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,  18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."  Here again the thought is godliness and being separated from this world, and unto God.  Lord help us to be set apart for your fellowship today, and everyday! 

May God bless you on this Sunday morning!  Pastor Mike Mutchler

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