Today is Saturday. I have just about 15 minutes to write about what I've been reading. Here are some things I would like to share:
1) JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH- Galatians is a doctrinal presentation by the apostle Paul about justification by grace apart from the law. Each book in these next few books have a Personal section, a Doctrinal section, and a Practical section. Chapter three in Galatians is doctrinal. It has the PERSONAL ARGUMENT FOR FAITH in verses 1-5; the SCRIPTURAL ARGUMENT in verses 6-25; and the PRACTICAL ARGUMENT in verses 26- 4:7. Herein lie a great doctrinal truth that we are indeed justified by faith. Notice in verses 24 & 25, Paul informs us that 'School's Out!'. The law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ (vs. 24), but now that faith is come, we "are no longer under a schoolmaster." School's Out!
2) AN HABITATION OF GOD- Ephesians 2:22 reminds us that not only does the Holy Spirit dwell in us, and that we are a habitation for God, but the verse reads: "In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." In other words, God puts us together to form for Him a building, a habitation. Now, I believe that is the Church. We form local assemblies for God to dwell in. There once was one tabernacle, and one temple. Now we are all temples of the Holy Spirit, and Christians form habitations for God called Churches. So vital that we are a part of one!
3) SEEKING THE RIGHT THINGS- Philippians 2:21 reads: "For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's." We are stewards according to the Bible, and our goal is not our own personal wealth or advancement, but the wealth and advancement of our King, Jesus Christ. We seem to constantly be aware of and saddened to hear about politicians who use their office for the advancement of their own wealth and agenda. We have heard it so many times, that we don't even get surprised anymore when it is revealed. BUT, we are just as guilty IF we are living this life for ourselves and our own enjoyment. Our life belongs to Christ and we are to live our lives for Him! Let us seek the things which are Jesus Christ's! Lost souls, the Church, fellowship with Him, other believers, etc.
Well, time has come and gone. Have a blessed day! Pastor Mike Mutchler