Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jude and Revelations

Yesterday, I traveled from Oregon to Kansas.  The flight was about four and a half hours going through Denver with a hour or so layover there, and then to Kansas City, MO.  From there we traveled two and a half hours in a van to get to the church.  After a while at the church we went out to eat, back to the church for the evening service.  I was the second speaker and it was an enjoyable time at a nice church.  Harvest Baptist Church of Manhattan, KS.  Everywhere I say signs saying "The Little Apple" and then it dawned on me…. Manhattan, NY is the BIG Apple and this is the "Little Apple".  It is a great church in another needy area of our country.  It is a conference on Starting Churches and I'm enjoying meeting some young couples who will be starting out to build a church like my wife and I did so many years ago. 


Well, here are just a few thoughts for today.  We are staying with some nice people in their lovely home and they live about 30 minutes from the church so we are going to have to get started soon to get there in time for the morning meetings.  Here are a few things I see:


1) EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM!  In Rev. 1:7, it says "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.  Even so, Amen."  I was talking with one of my members yesterday, and we were talking about hell.  He made this statement:  "There are those who believe in Hell, and those who will."  I said that would make a great bumper sticker!  Everyone will one day believe, but they will not be a believer!  Every eye shall see…. but too late!!  NOW, if you can see with the eyes of faith… trust Him…. follow Him…. love Him…. you'll never regret it!!


2) IN THE SPIRIT.  Rev. 4:2 says: "I was in the spirit:"  Now the Holy Spirit lives in us… but are we living in Him??  That is the question!  Dear Lord, help me to live in your precious Holy Spirit today.  Help me to ask His assistance.  Help me to look to Him for strength, guidance, leadership, power, and grace.  I need to be more like You Lord… help me to walk in the power of your Spirit… help me to be "in the spirit". 


3) DO YOU HAVE AN EAR?  Seven time in the early chapters of Revelation it makes this statement:  "If any man have an ear, let him hear."  Do you have an ear?  Are you listening to what God is saying?  Don't let the humdrum noise of this busy day drown out the voice of the LORD.  Remember, He might just be speaking again in that "still small voice".  Let's be all ears to what God has to say today!  Dear Lord, speak for thy servant heareth.


Well, all for today!  May God bless you from Kansas!  Dr. Mike Mutchler

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