Monday, January 10, 2011


I have an early morning hospital visit, so I won't get to write much today.  Join me tomorrow for more in depth devotional thoughts.  We had a great day at Church yesterday.  I shared my vision for 2011 and it was a blessing.  I may even post the outline.  In fact, I think I will do that today for those who are not a part of Grand View Baptist Church and read the blog.
Today I am reading the first ten chapters of Leviticus.  These chapters are about the laws concerning the sacrifices.  God tells how to do the sacrifice and what to bring, and what to do with what you bring.  It may seem very complicated and ritualistic, but God just wants His people to know how to please them.  Sometimes it is the effort that pleases God most.  He didn't just have them bring an offering a drop it off.  He gave them instructions.  God gives us instructions for our life as a believer as well.  We should read the instructions (the Bible), and then obey the instructions to the best of our ability.  Not that our obedience gains us Salvation, but our obedience brings God pleasure.  It pleases Him for His children to follow Him and His instructions.  Let us be mindful to do this in our lives!
Here is the Sermon Outline:

Gen. 37:5, 6   MY VISION FOR 2011

Intro.- Joseph was a dreamer. His dreams were not well received, but God in His good timing, brought the dreams to pass.  Genesis 42:9  "And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them,…"  This morning I am going to be sharing with you some of the dreams and plans for 2011.



*A year of blessings and challenges.

Several major conferences; Dr. Jack Schaap; Dr. Clarence Sexton; Men's Conference w/Dr. Doug Fisher; Teen Explosion w/Dr. Reno Likens; Family Conference w/Dr. Mike Ray & Wife; Ladies Conference; Single's Conference w/ Chris Teft; Striving Together Conference w/ Dr. Paul Chappell and Dr. R.B. Ouellette, and a Wallbuilder's meeting with Rick Green.

*We had a high day of over 1,500 for Easter. 

*We grew in many area, and new people joined with us.

THE challenges were with facilities and finances.

-We ran out of room.  We had four classes on buses and a whole Sunday school department in an outside shed.  We had three adult classes in the foyer, and teen classes in several stairwells and baptistery changing rooms.  The Spanish church had the same problems… they had run out of room.

-The second challenge was finances.  Some people were laid off and cost kept going up.  Utilities climbed even when we cut back use.  Building insurance went up, health insurance went up, property taxes went up, building expenses went up; all the while income decreased.  In September of 2010, we cut the budget.  We cut salaries, & priced insurance, and negotiated lower payments.  This next Wednesday, we will present a budget that cuts over $12,000.00/mo. from the budget.  We will still have challenges before us in 2011, but we will meet the challenges with God's help.




(Our Staff convinced me of this theme.)

Faith, Finances, Family, Friendships, Future

*Throughout the year, we will be challenging all of us to take the next step in our walk with God and involvement in His Church.


B. The Events:

Dr. Jack Trieber  Jan 24,25th

Dr. Tom Williams   Feb. 2nd

Josh McDowell on Feb. 20

Youth Explosion March 7th through 9th

Mission's Conference  March 16th through 20th

Mighty Men's Meeting in April 8th and 9th

Single's Outreach is April 11th @ Clackamas Com. Col.

Easter… a big outreach to adults and children  (why?)

Record Breaking Weekend  August 12-14 (Fri.-Sun.)

    Monster Truck Evangelism

Bob Vallier  September 24th through 28th  Financial Advisor

October 2nd,  Col. Brian Birdwell  Face the Fire Ministry

     State Senator in the state of Texas and 9/11 survivor


C. The Programs

-Prime Time w/Pastor   (Pass out fliers)  Special Activities throughout the year

-New Outreach Program  (show brochures)  Five booklet challenges to Communicate our Faith

-New Outreach Time  Sat. at 10:00am  Breakfast at 9:00am/ (Bus Workers/S.S. Teachers/Soul-Winners/Door Knockers/Visitor Visitation)

 -New Discipleship Program  (Wed. 7pm/Sun. 5pm) 1 on 1 discipleship

-New Church Schedule  (Spanish Church at 1:00pm)

*This frees up 8 S.S. Classrooms & the Spanish Auditorium

*This gives the Spanish a larger auditorium plus 40 classrooms.  (We can both grow!!)


D. The Investments

*There will be financial challenges.  I will be preach & teach on financial principles to help people develop in their commitment to Christ.  We can use your help for our special events.  Other than that, we will operate with what God gives us and have these financial goals:

1) Missions   (our financial goal is to give more to missions)

2) Pastors  (looking to help a few pastors in need)

3) Outreach Events (with Josh McDowell & Monster Truck & Col. Brian Birdwell)  *This money in an investment in reaching new people for Christ.  (Rick Green-20 adults)

4) Community Events  *Servant Evangelism  (good deeds)


**This will be the Best Year Ever!!

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