Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today, I am finishing up II Chronicles.  It is Wednesday.  I just finished reading and my first cup of coffee.  I have but a few things to share.  Here they are:

1) HE CHANGED- Joash was raised by a priest named Jehoiada.  His live was spared as a babe by Jehoiada's wife, and they raised the young king as his own.  He taught him, and nurtured him for many years.  Joash rebuilt the temple during this time and paid for the workers to fix it back into a beautiful building again.  But at the age of 130, Jehoiada died and the princes of the land started to counsel Joash, and he changed.  He left the temple to serve idols, he had Jehoiada's son killed because he preached to him the Word of the LORD.  He turned very wicked and was conquered by others.  He also was killed by his servants and not buried with the kings of Judah.  He became a bad king and person, because he changed.  It is never fun to watch people you have known and trusted change.  Seldom ever is the change for good.  Dear friend, stick with what you believe.  Learn what you believe and then stick with it.  All of this is found in II Chron. 24.

2) WITH OBED-EDOM- In II Chron. 25:24, Joash, king of Israel conquered Amaziah, king of Judah (Joash--King of Judah's son) and took the treasures from the house of God.  What is interesting to me is that in this verse it reads;  "....all the vessels that were found in the house of God with Obed-edom,... "  Now Obed-Edom, was the man who kept the Ark of God when David tried to bring it to Jerusalem.  And then his whole household was blessed because of it.  Then, whenever you read about the Ark or the temple from then on, you see Obed-edom or one of his sons.  This was one of his sons several hundreds of years later, and yet he is still found in the house of God.  When they take the treasures, they find him there taking care of them.  Oh how we need to be found in the house of God.  In Church serving the LORD with our lives. 

Well, just two thoughts for today.  Hope you day is blessed!  Pastor Mike Mutchler
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