Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well, I'm home and enjoying Oregon!  I am looking in II Chronicles today and here are a few observations:
1) JACHIN AND BOAZ- In II Chron. 3:17, we find two pillars of the temple. These are the two names of the pillars outside of the temple.  Why name two pillars?  Well, because their names meant something.  Jachin means "He shall establish", meaning that when you went into the house of God you could expect that God would be working to establish you in the faith!  We are blown about with every wind of doctrine or church fad, but when you go faithfully to a Bible believing church, you can expect to be established in the faith!  Boaz means: "In it is Strength!"  This means that the house of God was a place of strength.  Everyone entering its doors could expect to be established and find the strength they need to face life's problems and strength to serve God faithfully!!
2) II Chron. 7:14- IF MY PEOPLE--  It begins with us!  If we want our nation to come back to God, it will not be because the sinners get right, it will be because the saints get right!  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  The answer lies with us and our willingness to get right with God.  Are you?  Am I?  Let's make this our goal and course of action!
3) THERE IS YET ONE MAN- In II Chron. 18:7 we read this.  Jehoshaphat was yoking up with Ahab (which never should have been done nor should we do so), and Ahab had four hundred prophets (hired out) to tell them that the battle would be won easily.  But Jehoshaphat asks in verse six: "Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might inquire of him?"  Is there anyone else he is asking... and Ahab says:  "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him; for he never prophesied good unto me, bu always evil:"  He name was Micaiah.  THERE IS YET ONE MAN!!  Could you be that man or woman where you work?  Could you be that at home?  Could you be that in society where you shop, where you walk, where you fellowship with others?  Can you be that ONE??  Notice you will not be loved by this world... "I hate him"; but you will be loved by GOD!!  LORD, help me to be that man wherever I find myself, to be used of you however you desire.... here I am LORD, use me!!
Well, have a blessed day in the LORD.  I'm back at Oregon, back to my dear wife, back to the great church I have the joy of being pastor at, back to a great staff, I'm back......  God bless!!  Pastor Mike Mutchler
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