Sunday, January 8, 2012


It is Sunday this morning and it is a beautiful day outside.  I'm especially looking forward to this morning as I "Share The Vision" for 2012 this morning to our Church.  I have exciting plans to share and I'm excited about them.  We will also be unveiling our theme for 2012 and I'm excited about all of it.  I hope our people will be too!  Today, I am reading in Genesis 36-40 and here is a thought I wanted to share:

SIN AGAINST GOD?  Joseph was sold into slavery and then sold to Potiphar in Egypt.  God blessed the household of Potiphar because of Joseph and all was prospering and fine.  But Potiphar's wife had her cap set for Joseph, and tried at times to tempt him and it just didn't work.  One day however, it was evident that the time was right.  Everyone was out of the house but her and Joseph and she took advantage of this setting to grab a hold of Joseph and ask him to lie with her.  His answer was to run away, but she held on to his coat and it was left in her hands.  With this "evidence", she accused Joseph of attacking her.  You know the rest of the story.  But what I want us to see is that his answer when first confronted with the temptation by Potiphar's wife was this:  In Genesis 39:  "how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"  He knew it would be a sin against Potiphar and his trust in him, buy what motivated Joseph to live pure was that it would be a sin against God.  We too, need to live with an understanding that when we sin, it is a sin against God.  David understood this even with his sin against Uriah, and against Bathsheba, when in Psalms 51 he says:  "against thee, thee only have I sinned."  Our sin is always ultimately against God!  Oh how that ought to be foremost in our minds and hearts.  We sin against God when we sin.  It may be against someone we love, our wives, husbands, children, a friend, a church member, but always against God.  LORD, let us always keep this in mind!  It is against thee.  Well, that ought to help us live better lives once we get that stuck in our thoughts.  Hope it helps you and me.

Hope you have a blessed day!!  Pastor Mike Mutchler
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