Today is Friday. What an enjoyable evening going soul-winning last night. Many, many were led to Jesus Christ and gained assurance that they were trusting Christ and Christ alone for Salvation. The youth will come to Christ is someone will share with them the good news. I led a lady to Christ who is supposed to come to Church this Sunday in the Spanish Church. We heard many people say that our Church has a very good name in the city. Wow! God is good! I finished Psalms today, and here are a few thoughts: 1) OVERWHELMED- Eight times in Psalms, David speaks of being "overwhelmed". It is an all too common occurrence for us as humans. In Psalms 143:4, it reads: "Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate." The feeling of no hope sets in rapidly when faced with trials above our experience or ability to cope with. We do not have the answers to many of life's situations. We want to solve them, but have no hope of doing so. But David goes on to say in verse 5- "I remember the days of old: I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands." Here we see that the answer to being overwhelmed is to remember God's goodness. "Tis grace has brought us safe thus far, and grace will lead us home." When the storms are blowing their worst, keep your eyes on the Captain! Jesus Christ is our Captain and He is the LORD of the storms!! 2) CALL- FEAR- LOVE- We see that the LORD will do wonderful things for the man or woman that does these three things. Notice the verses in Psalms 145:18-20 "The LORD is night unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. he will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy." If we CALL on the LORD and we will FEAR Him (respect and reverence) and LOVE Him, then..... He will be NIGH unto us, FULFIL our desires, and PRESERVE us!! Wow. Sounds like a great deal to me. 3) AMERICA- As we prepare for the July 4th weekend, let me share Psalms 147:20 with you: "He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not know them. Praise ye the LORD." God has not dealt with any other nation as He has America. God has blessed our nation abundantly, but because we were founded on Him!! IF we will return unto Him, then He will make our nation great again..... but not until then!! I sure love America! Well friend, have a blessed day!! Pastor Mike Mutchler |
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