I'm back from the Philippines and I don't have much time because it is Sunday morning. My internal clock is all messed up, but I'm going to make it and in a week I'll be back to normal. Here is a thought for today: THE POWER OF HIS PRESENCE: In Zechariah 8:23 it ends the verse by saying: "We will go with you: for we have heard tht God is with you." The most important part of the Christian Life, or even Church is God's presence! He is with us wherever we go, and He is with us when we gather in Church. His presence, is what makes it or breaks it. It is not about our polish, nor is it about a performance, it is all about His Presence! Meeting with Jesus is what makes Church, Church! And walking in His Presence, is what makes others want what we have. It is only as we walk close enough to the Savior, that His presence is manifested that others take note. Even the rulers in Jerusalem noted that the disciples had been with Jesus! Oh, that today, someone would notice that we are walking with our Savior! Spend time in His presence, and let everyone around you benefit from it! I had a great time in the Philippines and our group saw 8,545 saved! It was amazing and I will tell you more about it in the next week. May God bless the USA!! Good to be home and be writing to you again! Love you all so dearly. Pastor Mike Mutchler |
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