Today is Wednesday. I'm looking forward to preaching two chapels today and then our Mid-Week Service tonight. So looking forward to it! Today, I'm reading in Genesis again and here is a thought I want to share:
Hagar was frustrated. First Sarai wanted her to go to her husband, and when she did, now Sarai is treating her very mean. She has tried to be obedient, but she cannot win for losing. What to do? Well, it came into her mind to run away. So, she did. She ran into the wilderness where a fountain of water was. She knew she could hide there until she had a better plan. She is at the end of her rope. She is asked by the angle of the Lord in verse 8: "Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and wither wilt thou go?" She doesn't have any answers, but just says "I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai." The angel goes on to tell her to return, tells her that she is with child, tells her that her son will be named Ishmael, and that her son will be the father of a great multitude. The angel goes on to tell her that she should prepare herself, because he also is going to be a wild man, and against every man. (Isn't still so today?) But now we come to verse 13 of chapter 16: "And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me?" GOD SEES US!! We usually associate God seeing us as God sees all of the things (usually the bad) that we do or think; but, her we see that God sees when we are at the end of our rope! When we don't know where to turn, what to do, what to think, how to act..... God sees! When we only fill our minds with problems that seem to have no solutions, when we are like Hagar and don't have a plan, don't know what we will be doing next, don't know how we will ever get out of this situation.... God sees! Yes, dear friend, when you cannot see, God sees! Thou God seest me! Take heart, you are in His hand.... He means you well!
God sees your hurt, your pain, your strive, your frustrations, your worry, your despair... God sees! Today, remind yourself of this thing.... God sees you. God will come through. He will never leave thee nor forsake thee. That's His promise to you everyday of your life. Take it... rejoice in it.... God sees!!
Have a blessed day! Pastor Mike Mutchler
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