Friday, July 10, 2009

Deuteronomy and Joshua

What another fantastic VBS, and the crowd just keeps growing.  We had over 505 last night and it has been exciting.  Thanks to all of the dedicated workers. 

I'm in Deuteronomy and Judges, and here are a few thoughts:

1) HE IS THE ROCK- In Deut. 32:4 it says:  "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."  God is a Rock!  We can depend upon Him, He is a sure foundation, He is reliable, He is settled, He is solid!
Trust in God and know as a Rock, He will not fail thee!

2) FACE TO FACE- In Deut. 34:10, it says:  "And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face."  It is interesting that Moses who was afraid to look upon God at the burning bush know is known of God "face to face".  It is also interesting that it doesn't say that Moses knew God "face to face", but the God knew Moses "face to face"!  Oh that the LORD would know us "face to face".  Is our face towards Him today?  WE know we are the apple of His eye (the refection off of God's pupil), but is God the apple of our eye?  Looking unto Jesus......  Let us vow to let God know us "face to face".

3) THREE STEPS TO SIN- Achan had sinned and caused the battle of AI to go badly.  Sin was in the camp, and he had taken from the forbidden things in Jericho.  Here are his steps into sin:  Joshua 7:21  "I saw....I coveted.....and took them"  What your eyes don't see, your heart won't covet!  Oh be careful big eyes what you see.....

Well, I hope these thoughts will stick with you today.  We have a great God and each day in the Word, He has great truths for us.  You have a blessed day in the LORD!!
Pastor Mike Mutchler


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