Friday, January 2, 2009


Good morning from Tennessee again.  As I start through the Bible again, I am seeing again things that jump out at me.

In the first chapters of Genesis, we see the Redeemer God who Creates all things good!
Then we see our need of the Redeemer God in man's fall.
Then we see the depth of man's disobedience in the days preceeding the Fall.
Then we see our Redeemer God making a way for the righteous with the Ark.
Then we see our Redeemer God working with a people through which the Redeemer will come to earth.  God starts working in the life of a man named Abram.  (the father of the Faithful)

GOD MOVES IN WAYS THAT SHOW HE HAS MOVED- God chooses Sarah (at 90) to have the son of promise, Issac and calls him "laughter". (the meaning of Issac).  God chooses an old man of 100 and gives him a promise of being the father of a great nation and then gives him one child at 100.  (You would think if he wanted to be the father of a great nation, he would have been another Joseph Smith with 48 wives and multiplied children, but.... God doesn't chose man's ways to fulfill His purposes!
Isaac has only two sons, and the chosen one has to run for his life and stays away till he is dead.  It seems that everyway Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob turn that the road to destiny dead ends, but with Joseph, we see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Not at first... not the first 30 years of his life.... but at 30 he stands before Pharoah and God reveals some of the reasons for the hardships he and so many others have endured to this point in History!!
Can I tell you today that God has a plan for your life and you might not even see it in your lifetime.... Be faithful dear child of God!!  Stand your ground..... Do your duty.... Share your faith..... Stay faithful when others fail around you.... Keep running on!!

Dear Lord, I need you today and I love you.  I am so inadequate to fulfill your holy purposes, but I see how You used others who were filled with problems and doubts and I read how greatly you put Your divine plan in action.  Lord, use me.... to some degree to bring you honor and glory.... to exalt my Savior.... Your Son!   Thank you Lord that You will guide me.... You will help me..... You will pick me up when I fail.... You... You.... will be my all in all.  Thank you Lord.... thank You!!  

See you tomorrow!  May God bless.  Pastor Mike Mutchler


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