Sunday, November 16, 2008


It's Sunday!  A beautiful day outside with blue skis and white clouds.  It is going to be a great day in the Lord.  I'm hoping for a great crowd of people to be at church, several people to be saved, some to be baptized, and some to join the church!  I'm looking for God's Spirit to meet with us and to have Christ exalted as our Savior.  I'm looking forward to singing God's praises and giving to God's work!  It is Sunday, and it is a glorious day!!

I'm reading in I Kings and into II Kings today, and I have just a few thoughts for today's blog:
1) WHOSE CAUSING ALL THE TROUBLE?  In I Kings 18:17,18 there seems to be a difference of thought on whose causing all of the trouble in Israel.  In verse 17, Ahab, the wicked king sees Elijah, the godly prophet, and says: "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?"  And in verse 18, Elijah answers and says: "I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house.."  Today, we have the same difference of opinion.  The world thinks that the problems are these narrow minded Christians who are against abortion, against homosexual rights and their agenda, against gambling, against alcohol, against sex education that stress "how too have sex and not get pregnant" instead of abstinence.  Christians who are for conservative causes are pointed out as those causing all of the trouble, because they follow a book (the Bible) that society rejects!  On the other hand, we are not taking the drugs, alcohol, gambling, robbing, mugging, killing, raping, etc.  And we say that the worlds crowd is destroying our nation.  Whose right??  Well, the crowd that stands with God and His opinion is the one that is right!  And that is us!!
2) AT A VENTURE- In I Kings 22:34, there was a certain man who "drew a bow at a venture" and let it fly... it killed Ahab, the king of Israel.  He had disguised himself as the king of Judah, Jehoshaphat, but God knew where he was and who he was and when this arrow flies at a venture, God uses it to kill an ungodly king!  Perhaps we can say a word of kindness at a venture and let God use it.  Perhaps a word of encouragement at a venture and let God use it wherever He will.  Perhaps share the gospel at a venture and let God do something great with it!  Perhaps at a venture we can give something extra to Church or Missions, and let God use it. God is in control and can use even the little things we let go at a venture.  Let her fly!!!
3) FAITH WITH BLISTERS- In II Kings 3:16 God's man told Jehoshaphat to "Make this valley full of ditches"  This took faith with blisters!  You don't dig ditches but what you become acquainted with blisters.  Three kings were in the desert without water.  They were half way across and no water was to be found and the enemy was soon to be upon them.  The answer was to dig ditches in the desert.  They had to have faith, but faith that would work, faith with blisters!  I have faith that God will build a church and specifically Grand View Baptist Church, but I have faith with blisters!!  Winning souls, knocking on doors, making visits, organizing the church, preaching, teaching, singing, planning, etc.... blisters!!  Well, they dug the ditches... the water came and filled them all up.  The sun shown on the water and made it look red... the enemy saw that and assumed the armies were dead and dropped their weapons and ran to the spoil... only to find that the armies were not dead, but had their weapons!  God gave a great victory that day.... the army had faith... with blisters!!  Let us do the same in our lives... believe that God will bless your work, but work hard.  Believe that God will bless your ministry... but work hard.  Faith with blisters!!
Well, so much to say and time is once again gone!  Have a blessed day!  
Pastor Mike Mutchler


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