Friday, April 18, 2008


Mark 12 through Luke 16.  It's been a busy morning and I'm just now getting to write something down.  Here are a few thoughts for the day:

1)Watch!  Mark 13:34,35, & 37 tell us one thing about the coming of Jesus Christ again:  "Watch!"  Be on the outlook for the Lord to return.  Plan like it may be much later, live like it will be today!!

2) Mark 15:5, 44- These verses both say "Pilate marvelled".  Here is a king who in the presence of the King of Kings, marvels!!  If a king is in wonder of Christ, how ought we to live?  We ought to be thrilled to even know Jesus.

3) KEEP PRAYING--  Luke 1:13 "Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard;"  The Bible tells us in chapter 1:7 "they both were now well stricken in years."  And yet, God heard his prayer because he was still praying!  I wonder when Zacharias started praying for a child?  I just imagine it was when he and Elisabeth were both young adults and now that he and her are well up into the years, we find that he is still praying and.... God hears his prayer!!

Don't give up on things you are praying for.  God's timing is not always ours, in fact, it seldom is; but, keep praying!!

4) Led of the Spirit.... Power of the Spirit.  In Luke 4:1 "led by the Spirit into the wilderness," (to be tempted).  We often talk about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, but we sometimes forget to mention that "Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit"  Often it is when our trials come to an end that we find that we are the strongest in the Lord.  Paul says "For when I am weak (in the flesh), then am I strong (in the Spirit)". 

5) Let Truth Sink Deep!  Luke 9:44 says: "Let these sayings sink down into your ears:"  We need to let truth sink down deep into our spirits.  Not to be hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word!  Lord, help us to be changed by the truth that we hear... let this be our prayer today!

Well, far too much to mention it all, but here are a few truths for today.  May God richly bless!  Love you and yours!  Pastor Mike Mutchler

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