Monday, March 17, 2008


This morning, I got up early to catch a flight to Chicago to attend Pastor's School in Hammond, Indiana.  I did my Bible reading on the plane and typed this blog, but I will have to download it when I get to a hotel.  I read II Kings 16 through I Chronicles 11.  The books of the Kings and the Chronicles, cover much of the same history.  The difference is that the Kings are written by those who are recording history, and the Chronicles are written from a priestly viewpoint.  Thus, the Chronicles have more spiritual insights into the history of Israel and the Divided Kingdom (Israel and Judah).  Little phrases are found in the Chronicles that make a significant impact in the lessons God wants us to learn from the history of Israel.  Here are a few things I read about:
1) In II Kings 17:27- The King of Assyria having took control of Israel, left priest to teach the people of Israel to fear the LORD.  It is interesting to me that a heathen king wanted them to learn about Israel's God and to fear Him.  Israel wasn't doing that on their own, but now a heathen king makes them learn about the true God.
2) In II Kings 22:8- Josiah is the king of Judah and evokes reforms and revival among God's people.  He has Hilkiah, the priest, clean out the temple that has set ransacked for many years.  When Hilkiah cleans out the temple, he says to Josiah:  "I found the book!"  This is God's Word.  When he finds the book and reads it to the king, he is moved to repent of sins and begin a revival in the land.  Literally, the reading of God's Word made all of the difference!!  You know, it will still do that today if we will but read God Holy Word.  I hope you are reading everyday.
3) In I Chron. 4:9,10- We have the prayer of Jabez.  Not much is known of him, but these few verses, but here he prays and ask God to bless and enlarge and keep him.  AND… God answers his prayer!!  We too can be asking God for His special blessings.  God wants to do special things for us if we will but ask him.  Our recent Missions conference challenged us to ask big things from a big God.  Our people responded greatly and it was such a blessings!!
4) I Chron. 11:10- David's Mighty Men.  This is not the list of the men, for that will follow, but it is an explanation as to how they became so mighty.  The Bible is clear that they began as a group of discontents that started following David in the early days of his kingdom.  But this verses says that they "strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom".  Every church needs a group of people that "strengthen themselves" with the pastor.  As the pastor grows and matures and is blessed of God, so he needs people that grow in leadership and ministry and responsibility so that the work of God continually enlarges.  This is the need of churches today.  I'm thankful for those who I see growing in this manner, but the need is ever for more to grow into a position of leadership by influence and example.  More examples of soul-winning Christians are needed everywhere.  Well, so much for today.  I hope to send a blog tomorrow as well, but I might not get them off every morning, but perhaps late afternoon.  May God richly bless.   Dr. Mike Mutchler, Pastor.   

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